Our Team works tirelessly to connect you with each other and professionals, to broaden our horizons about new topics and international matters, and to improve our studies and transition to healthcare professionals.
Meet the team here and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions!
If you want to join asep, just come by our next Delegates’ Assembly or event. Currently, we are still missing some Team members, so we are more than happy to get in touch with you!
Maryam Faizan
Secretary General | Vice President
As Secretary General, I am responsible for keeping good order in all our data and documents and for ensuring a smooth preparation of meetings. And of course, I write minutes of meetings and make sure all important information is shared with the relevant people.
If you have any questions, just text me: sg@asep.ch
Emmanuelle Schelsohn
Politics & Education
I represent asep and its interests at meetings of professional pharmaceutical organisations (pharmaSuisse, GSIA, GSASA, swissYPG, etc.) together with the president. I also participate in interdisciplinary relations with other healthcare fields (SYHA, SHAPED) and am responsible for the Assistenzjahrfeedback.
If you have any questions, just text me: pe@asep.ch
Marian Bakočka
I am in charge of asep bank account, so I pay invoices, keep the accounting up to date and keep in contact with the local associations to receive asep membership fees. I also manage the annual budget to make sure asep stays financially sustainable.
If you have any questions, just text me: treasurer@asep.ch
Besma Abdallah
Public Health Responsible
As the Public Health Responsible, I coordinate and organise events and campaigns. I keep our socials updated about what is going on in the world of pharmacy and relevant topics in public health.
If you have any questions, just text me: ph@asep.ch
Yasmine Nour
My role as Liaison Secretary (LS) is to facilitate communication between the European Pharmaceutical Students Association (EPSA) and our national association! I follow the discussion groups, consult the mails on various subjects, keep an overview over the projects on European level and the ones of our European colleagues.
If you have any questions, just text me: ls.switzerland@asep.ch
Jasmin Mahdi
Public Health Coordinator
Together with the Public Health Responsible, I raise awareness on a broad range of topics and help realising and executing planned projects such as online campaigns, podcasts or events.
If you have any questions, just text me: public.health.co@asep.ch
Valeria Straub
Social Media Coordinator
As a Social Media Coordinator I prepare posts for our social media and ensure a good online presence and representation of asep.
If you have any questions, just text me: social.media@asep.ch
Valentine Schmid
As Co-Presidents, we are responsible for the Team management, coordination of our ongoing projects and external representation. We are there to give input and guidance, motivate the Team, push new ideas forward and lead asep to growth so we can extend our impact.
If you have any questions, just text us: president@asep.ch
Elena Grobecker
As Co-Presidents, we are responsible for the Team management, coordination of our ongoing projects and external representation. We are there to give input and guidance, motivate the Team, push new ideas forward and lead asep to growth so we can extend our impact.
If you have any questions, just text us: president@asep.ch
Hussein Monir
NPSW Chairperson, Student Exchange Officer
I am the responsible for the Student Exchange Programme in Switzerland. I organise internships for students coming here and make sure that our students find spots abroad!
If you have any questions, just text me: seo.switzerland@asep.ch